Digital Image Creation


My Image & Why

Red circle containing yellow and blue shapes. Has the letter 'A' in the top left.
Favicon Alexa Kincaid (CC BY-N.D 4.0)

I wanted my favicon to be simple, yet funky. I also felt that it stylistically matched my site theme. I’ve always had a love for abstract art and I feel that this unique favicon exemplifies my personality and creativity. I included the ‘A’ as a nod to my site name (


My Image & Why

Abstract image containing red, yellow, and blue circles, lines and squares. Contains the words "My Blog," "DGST 101," and "Alexa Kincaid."
Header Alexa Kincaid (CC BY-ND 4.0)

Once again, I wanted my header to be creative and reflect the site’s theme. I expanded upon the simple shapes I used in my favicon image, in order to ensure continuity throughout my creation process. I included ‘My Blog’ to serve as my site name, as well as including my name and the class that this blog is primarily used for.


Process and Software Used

I used Vectr to create this image. I went through a trial and error process of learning to use the website and what each of the tools did, but soon found my groove and really just went to town on my image. I first sketched a rough idea of what I envisioned and then let me creative side shine through in the digital reproduction of this image. I was sure to use high contrast wording, for example on my header, I used black text on a white background. This high contrast wording is crucial to obtaining attention and making it more accessible for those visual processing abnormalities.

File Type Chosen & Why

I downloaded my favicon file (512×512 pixel) and my header file (1920×1080 pixel) as JPEG images. JPEG images are typically raster graphics, meaning that each pixel on the image has a specific color that altogether create an image. This is not necessarily the best option, as the image can appear blurry once stretched out, but it is common for website building platforms to require these file types. I ultimately chose the JPEG for an admittedly silly reason: it was the default file type when downloading my creation off of Vectr. That being said, I ensured that I had the right pixel size before download to ensure my image would have the best quality possible when applying it to my site.

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