Podcast Overview


My podcast will be focusing on how sports are an important activity for families to enjoy together. The main topics of my audio story will be: bonding, learning, and memory making that occur because of the viewing of sports.


  1. Story
    1. The importance of sports/ watching sports with family. My personal experience with sports in my family. 
  2. Goal
    1. Inform the audience on the role of sports within a family. 
  3. Angle
    1. There is a lot of emphasis placed on the role of playing sports in a child’s life, but not much focus on how watching sports can be beneficial for a family unit. 
  4. Format
    1. Monologue
      1. Monologue because I can share my personal experience of my family watching sports. 
  5. Research
    1. I would need to have specific support that shows that watching sports actually has evidence based benefits within a family.
      1. Meaningfulness of Watching Sports as a Family
      2. Benefits of Watching Sports with Family
  6. Locations/ Subjects
    1. I will probably use my house as the location. My background noise is mostly going to be the sound of a football game on in the house and my family talking and joking during it.
  7. Budget/ Equipment
    1. I plan on using things I have at home for this, such as my phone and the microphone on my wired headphones for recording, and then my laptop for editing. 
  8. Time
    1. I think I should be able to tell this story in the allotted time. My script is very detailed and I plan on practicing beforehand to ensure that I am able to get my point across clearly and concisely in the time.


In order to create my outline, I first devised my plan for the podcast and then utilized Microsoft Copilot as a starting point for my outline. I then went more in depth and created a script.

title – there’s more to life than sports

intro (0:00-0:20)

– introduce myself and the topic 

“Hey guys, this is Alexa and today I’m going to share why I think that sports are a crucial bonding activity for families.”

– background of topic 

“I’m sure most people have heard the phrase, ‘there’s more to life than sports’ and I completely agree. There is more to life than sports, but sports provide a way for us to appreciate the most important thing: our families.”

– intro music 

point 1: connecting and bonding (0:20-0:50)

– background sounds of family talking and laughing together

– explain relevance 

“One of the most evident benefits of watching sports together is that it sets aside a specific time for families to gather together and relax. No matter the sport, as a family gathers together around the tv, they are talking and laughing, and spending important quality time together.”

– personal experience

“From as early as I can remember, my family has sat together and watched football on Sundays. Even though I don’t necessarily enjoy the sport itself, I always look forward to this time together. Football Sundays are a big deal in my family and are a tradition I plan to continue within my own family one day.”

point 2: learning (0:50-1:20)

– background sounds of game commentary

– explain relevance 

“Sports are an important part of any child’s life. There are many studies that show that sports are important for not only a child’s physical health, but also their mental well-being. This can also be the case with watching sports. Children can watch with their parents and learn the rules and the intricacies of the game.”

– personal experience

“As I mentioned earlier, I was never a big sports fan. I did not and still don’t enjoy playing sports, but while watching sports with my dad and brothers, I learned a lot about competition and sportsmanship. Growing up, the boys’ love for sports extended outside of the tv as well. On countless Sundays, there would be family football games in the front yard, where my brothers attempted to teach me specific routes. Learning about sports has led me to have a healthy amount of competitiveness and taught me a lot about the world.”

point 3: creating memories (1:20-1:50)

– background sounds of stadium cheering 

– explain relevance

“The memories a family makes while watching sports are numerous. From seeing your favorite team win the Superbowl, to attempting a new recipe for your family to try. These are the stories that will be passed down for generations to come.”

– personal experience

“For my dad’s birthday a couple years ago, my brothers and I took him to a Redskins game, which was my first football game ever and one of my favorite memories. Another core memory I have is all the baseball games my family would attend while I was younger. My dad loves to talk about his memories of watching football with his dad and his grandpa, which makes our time as a family now, even more special.” 

conclusion (1:50-2:00)

– summary of topic

“Long story short, grab your family, pick a sport, and enjoy the game. Because while you’re rooting for your favorite team, you’re learning that there’s more to life than sports.” 

– outro music 

My Sample Recording

As mentioned above, I recorded this sample in my bedroom, while using my phone and wired headphones for the microphone. My sample recording simply contains what I was planning to eat for breakfast this day.

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